I agree with the fact that the situation in Flint, Michigan could have been handled a bit better by tue heads of GM but on principle, if you loose your job, it is your responsibility to go find another one. If that means moving to another town, city, or even state, then so be it. As a parent, it is your responsibility to provide for your family, not someone else. From the beginning, the town of Flint should have realized that the factory wasn't going to be there forever. They needed another thing to sustain themselves to protect themselves from the factory closing down.
I thought Roger and Me was an interesting movie. It was different from any other movie I've ever seen. It's sad how a whole community can be impacted by one company, GM. Flint seemed like an awful place to live and Michael Moore successfully showed the hardships.
Roger & Me provided an accurate representation of Flint's situation after GM's withdrawal. The corporate greed of Greedy Monsters exemplified itself yet again as it moved overseas to produce cars in a cheaper fashion, and the economic disaster that followed only further demonstrates the inherent selfish nature of The Board. The town does, however, have some share of the blame. It was foolish of the municipial government to believe that they can afford to rely on a single company for their entire economy, as that is begging Murphy to enforce his law. The documentary, although good-natured, turned out to be biased towards the town, and it should have stepped back from the emotions of the town and specifically attacked the company's policies.
I think that film was very interesting even though it was a little outdated. I enjoyed the sarcastic humor and thought that without it the film would have been horrible. I also thought that the realness of it was intriguing. Although I only got to view monday's portion of the movie I thought is was a good use of class time
I think that while trying to save his company money, Roger Smith did the wrong thing, and he knew it. He knew what would happen and I dont believe that he regretted any of it. I fully agree with Michael, Flint did not deserve to be hurt that badly.
I thought this was an enjoyable and funny movie, even though I didn't agree with the directors perspective. I don't think it is a companys reponsibility to manage their employees lives after a lay off.
This movie shed alot of light on American buisnesses and people. Companies main goal is always going to be to make as much money as possible. The people of Flint should have realized this and prepared, created new industries or attrach more companies. The reluctance of Americans to move to where jobs are is another problem in society that caused a lot of the issues in flint. What Roger Smith did is morally wrong but companies do notcare about morals.
From watching this film, it is clear that one big event can affect a whole community. However I do not believe it is fully the companies fault for the distraught community. Even though the company left many people unemployed, it is the peoples responsibility to search for a new job.
Although the movie was a little biased, I thought Roger & Me presented a lot of valid arguments against GM. Yes, some of his tactics were unfair, but many other good points were made. He revealed what a serious crisis Flint was going through and did well to expose GM's inability to justify their actions. The comic relief did, in addition to giving the audience a laugh at others' expense, prevent the film from being taken so seriously that riots broke out over the subject.
I agree with Michael Moore that GM's actions were completely unethical. Had it been a recession, their decision to shut down the plant and move it oversees might have been justified. But GM was at the time one of the most successful and productive corporations in the world. Their actions served only to maximize their already huge profits without any regards to the people of Flint, who helped build that company and ended up devastating the once prosperous community. However, it is true that the city could have taken more effective measures to deal with their economic hardships.
Although I was not there to see the movie, based on the discussion in class the movie seemed to be an interesting depiction of the town of Flint and its current situation with GM. Like many of Micheal Moores other films, from everyone's reactions it seemed to be clever and funny.
From what I was able to see on Monday, I thought the movie was pretty entertaing. Now since I decided to take my Thanksgiving Break early I didnt have the oppourtunity to see the rest of the movie, but from the class discussion today about the movie I found it to be very interesting! Seeing how everyone was affected by GM and people getting evicted from their homes was pretty devestating.
I think the movie Roger and me was very interesting. I misses the first day of it but from what I saw on the second day roger smith did a good job at depicting Flint as an awful place to live. It was shocking to see how one company GM could ruin an entire city and be held completely and solely responsible for it. I do think Smith provided a somewhat biased view, but he accurately depicted his point. I myself do not think GM is solely to blame for the cities complete and total downfall.
I thought it was a very controversial documentary of how bad things got in Flint after GM closed down. It showed many powerful images of the degrading of the city's perception as many people were evicted and lost their jobs. I feel though that Michael was very biased towards GM. However he also in many scenes made what seems to be a sad scene into humor
I thought that Roger and me was a very interesting movie. I didnt agree with the way that Roger handled the situation; however, Michael Moore seemed a little ridiculous with the way that he tried to gain the viewers attention. I can gather from the movie that I would never want to live in Flint, Michigan.
Overall I enjoyed the movie. There were some parts that were odd like the lady killing her bunny, but it definitely added to the humor that Michael Moore incorporated throughout the film. I thought it was really interesting how one industry changing locations could turn a once flourishing city into a ghost town. I also agreed with Michael Moores view on Roger Smiths actions of moving the plant knowing he would put so many people out of jobs.
Roger and Me was an okay movie. I felt that Moore was unable to fully articulate his argument,and thus resorted to showing a lot of shock imagery and trying to appeal to the audience's emotions. I also feel that he was extremely biased and not totally open about it. That being said, I felt as though it was a not so bad movie. Usually documentaries are boring, and Moore was able to keep it interesting.
Roger and Me gave me a different perspective on the economy. One single event can cause much stress and harm to a community. I do not think that GM was fully responsibile for the economic decline of the city, yet greatly attributed.
Growing up near flint, the events in this movie effects me but especially my parents. Because of this i agree with the claim presented in the film thstd it was GMs social responsibility to help out the city of flint after relocating their factories. The result of them not helping out city is still present today not only in flint but throughout Michigan.
I agree with the fact that the situation in Flint, Michigan could have been handled a bit better by tue heads of GM but on principle, if you loose your job, it is your responsibility to go find another one. If that means moving to another town, city, or even state, then so be it. As a parent, it is your responsibility to provide for your family, not someone else.
From the beginning, the town of Flint should have realized that the factory wasn't going to be there forever. They needed another thing to sustain themselves to protect themselves from the factory closing down.
unidentified formulated onoma, at 4:01 PM
I thought Roger and Me was an interesting movie. It was different from any other movie I've ever seen. It's sad how a whole community can be impacted by one company, GM. Flint seemed like an awful place to live and Michael Moore successfully showed the hardships.
courtsport007, at 8:54 AM
Roger & Me provided an accurate representation of Flint's situation after GM's withdrawal. The corporate greed of Greedy Monsters exemplified itself yet again as it moved overseas to produce cars in a cheaper fashion, and the economic disaster that followed only further demonstrates the inherent selfish nature of The Board. The town does, however, have some share of the blame. It was foolish of the municipial government to believe that they can afford to rely on a single company for their entire economy, as that is begging Murphy to enforce his law. The documentary, although good-natured, turned out to be biased towards the town, and it should have stepped back from the emotions of the town and specifically attacked the company's policies.
John, at 10:11 PM
I think that film was very interesting even though it was a little outdated. I enjoyed the sarcastic humor and thought that without it the film would have been horrible. I also thought that the realness of it was intriguing. Although I only got to view monday's portion of the movie I thought is was a good use of class time
Katie_Dunn, at 2:11 PM
I think that while trying to save his company money, Roger Smith did the wrong thing, and he knew it. He knew what would happen and I dont believe that he regretted any of it. I fully agree with Michael, Flint did not deserve to be hurt that badly.
cwatson, at 3:20 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
cwatson, at 3:22 PM
I thought this was an enjoyable and funny movie, even though I didn't agree with the directors perspective. I don't think it is a companys reponsibility to manage their employees lives after a lay off.
chad_mcdermott, at 5:44 PM
This movie shed alot of light on American buisnesses and people. Companies main goal is always going to be to make as much money as possible. The people of Flint should have realized this and prepared, created new industries or attrach more companies. The reluctance of Americans to move to where jobs are is another problem in society that caused a lot of the issues in flint. What Roger Smith did is morally wrong but companies do notcare about morals.
Unknown, at 7:35 PM
From watching this film, it is clear that one big event can affect a whole community. However I do not believe it is fully the companies fault for the distraught community. Even though the company left many people unemployed, it is the peoples responsibility to search for a new job.
jhallowell, at 1:09 PM
Although the movie was a little biased, I thought Roger & Me presented a lot of valid arguments against GM. Yes, some of his tactics were unfair, but many other good points were made. He revealed what a serious crisis Flint was going through and did well to expose GM's inability to justify their actions. The comic relief did, in addition to giving the audience a laugh at others' expense, prevent the film from being taken so seriously that riots broke out over the subject.
Groovey2Shoes, at 2:40 PM
I agree with Michael Moore that GM's actions were completely unethical. Had it been a recession, their decision to shut down the plant and move it oversees might have been justified. But GM was at the time one of the most successful and productive corporations in the world. Their actions served only to maximize their already huge profits without any regards to the people of Flint, who helped build that company and ended up devastating the once prosperous community. However, it is true that the city could have taken more effective measures to deal with their economic hardships.
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM
Although I was not there to see the movie, based on the discussion in class the movie seemed to be an interesting depiction of the town of Flint and its current situation with GM. Like many of Micheal Moores other films, from everyone's reactions it seemed to be clever and funny.
kristinmcfar, at 4:53 PM
From what I was able to see on Monday, I thought the movie was pretty entertaing. Now since I decided to take my Thanksgiving Break early I didnt have the oppourtunity to see the rest of the movie, but from the class discussion today about the movie I found it to be very interesting! Seeing how everyone was affected by GM and people getting evicted from their homes was pretty devestating.
@darien_isaac, at 6:12 PM
I think the movie Roger and me was very interesting. I misses the first day of it but from what I saw on the second day roger smith did a good job at depicting Flint as an awful place to live. It was shocking to see how one company GM could ruin an entire city and be held completely and solely responsible for it. I do think Smith provided a somewhat biased view, but he accurately depicted his point. I myself do not think GM is solely to blame for the cities complete and total downfall.
SNathans93, at 7:54 PM
I thought it was a very controversial documentary of how bad things got in Flint after GM closed down. It showed many powerful images of the degrading of the city's perception as many people were evicted and lost their jobs. I feel though that Michael was very biased towards GM. However he also in many scenes made what seems to be a sad scene into humor
football42, at 6:44 AM
I thought that Roger and me was a very interesting movie. I didnt agree with the way that Roger handled the situation; however, Michael Moore seemed a little ridiculous with the way that he tried to gain the viewers attention. I can gather from the movie that I would never want to live in Flint, Michigan.
dking2022, at 8:14 AM
Overall I enjoyed the movie. There were some parts that were odd like the lady killing her bunny, but it definitely added to the humor that Michael Moore incorporated throughout the film.
I thought it was really interesting how one industry changing locations could turn a once flourishing city into a ghost town. I also agreed with Michael Moores view on Roger Smiths actions of moving the plant knowing he would put so many people out of jobs.
suzieq:), at 3:40 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
suzieq:), at 3:40 PM
Roger and Me was an okay movie. I felt that Moore was unable to fully articulate his argument,and thus resorted to showing a lot of shock imagery and trying to appeal to the audience's emotions. I also feel that he was extremely biased and not totally open about it. That being said, I felt as though it was a not so bad movie. Usually documentaries are boring, and Moore was able to keep it interesting.
Unknown, at 3:52 PM
Roger and Me gave me a different perspective on the economy. One single event can cause much stress and harm to a community. I do not think that GM was fully responsibile for the economic decline of the city, yet greatly attributed.
ktlown, at 6:52 PM
Growing up near flint, the events in this movie effects me but especially my parents. Because of this i agree with the claim presented in the film thstd it was GMs social responsibility to help out the city of flint after relocating their factories. The result of them not helping out city is still present today not only in flint but throughout Michigan.
smayhew93, at 7:07 AM
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